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Read the sustainability report

Structured and transparent corporate management

As a listed company, transparency is a key element of how we manage and operate our company. We do this through an active and open dialogue with our stakeholders and by applying established governance frameworks as the basis for how we organise and practise our management principles.

Our approach to corporate governance is founded on the governance codex issued by the Danish Committee on Corporate Governance. In addition, it also considers recommendations provided by our proxy advisors and various international rating agencies.

Governance at DSV rests on solid internal and external processes, ensuring accountability for our activities. These processes are anchored at our highest management levels at the Board of Directors, Board Committees and Executive Management.

Governance as the basis for our sustainability strategies

At DSV, we work consistently to integrate and anchor sustainability within our management structures, compliance frameworks and business activities. 

The Board of Directors is responsible for setting the direction for our sustainability agenda. It shapes our strategy and determines the targets in close alignment with the Executive Board. Supporting the Board of Directors, our Audit Committee supervises the regulatory requirements, corporate reporting, and risk- and control frameworks, ensuring proper compliance within the various areas of our business operations. 

The Sustainability Board consists of the Executive Board and other relevant management representatives and is chaired by our Group CEO. Its role is to support the strategic work carried out by the Board of Directors and Executive Board within sustainability. The Board also facilitates our materiality analysis, sets the direction for our activities and determines and monitors the performance of our targets.

Governance model

Governance areas

  • Policies

    We have clear standards for safe and responsible business practices.
  • Articles of Association

    Download the Articles of Association of DSV A/S in English or Danish.
  • Our Management

    Meet the DSV management and our Board of Directors

    • Board of Directors
    • Committee Members
    • Executive Board
    • Group Executive Committee
  • Board Committees

    The Board of Directors has established three Board Committees:

    • the Audit Committee
    • the Nomination Committee
    • the Remuneration Committee.
  • General meetings

    Find information about General Meetings held with shareholders.
  • Our management systems

    Our independent quality checking of our management systems is an important element in how we address the environmental impact of our operations.

Any questions?

Contact Martin Andreasen, Executive Vice President, Group Sustainability & Compliance