Its core principles help us to act safely and ethically in our everyday work. Without exception, everybody at DSV must follow the Code of Conduct, just as they must follow national legislation and international regulations.
DSV does not tolerate any form of bribery or corruption including facilitation payments and non-contractual kickback schemes. Engaging or facilitating activities related to money laundering, funding of terrorism or other crimes is strictly forbidden.
Gifts and donations
Entertainment, hospitality and the exchange of business gifts are considered common practice and part of building and maintaining business relationships throughout the world. However, the intentions of gifts and donations need to be clear and related to the business conducted by DSV. The exchange of cash or other monetary gifts is forbidden. Our funds, property or services must not be used to support political purposes.
As with all other legislation, any violation of competition laws is strictly forbidden. All DSV branches are not allowed to conclude any contracts or agreements, formal or informal, that have the purpose or is likely to have the effect of substantially limiting competition. We restrict our memberships in industrial/trade organizations and committee to an absolute minimum. Our employees are not authorized to discuss business-related, potentially competition-restricting topics with competitors.
Processing of information
Our employees are obliged to respect and protect the confidentiality of information belonging to the DSV Group, our customers, suppliers and other business partners.
Conflicts of interest
Our employees shall not participate in any commercial transactions between a DSV company and a supplier or customer in which he or she has direct or indirect personal interests, financial or otherwise, unless the transaction is made on an arm’s length basis (on market conditions).
Human rights
DSV strongly believes that human rights are fundamental rights and that they should always be protected. It is the policy of the company that all people who carry out services for DSV, whether directly as employees or indirectly as employees of our suppliers, must be treated decently and with dignity. DSV is committed to the fight against human trafficking, forced labour and debt servitude.
Environmental impact
As one of the global, leading providers of transport and logistics services, DSV is committed to take on its share of the responsibility to reduce the environmental impact of the transport industry. Our services should reflect environmental considerations.
Report violations
Employees are urged to contact either their immediate manager, country management or the board of directors of their national DSV company in case of breach or suspected breach of the principles and rules outlined in this policy.
Download the full DSV Code of Conduct here
Any questions?
Contact Martin Andreasen, Executive Vice President, Group Sustainability & Compliance